Happy New Year 2019! (Also, free haunting holiday story to read.) #HappyNewYear

I hope you have had a wonderful holiday season full of happiness, food, family, and relaxation, but most of all love! As for us, we had a wonderful Christmas. We were able to drive the eight hours to Washington D.C. and see the sites for a day or two with my son, who attends college there (except for the National Christmas tree I so wanted to see up close – but a gentleman climbed to the top of it and security shut down the lights and were in droves everywhere just at the time we headed down to see it!), and then, bring him home with us in time for Christmas Eve and Day. It’s been a house full of love and laughter since he’s been here with us. I am enjoying my time with my son again. And I am loving having my daughters on break from high school and middle school as well. We’ve spent so much quality time together. On a sad note, I also lost someone very dear to me a few days after Christmas and I’m still processing that.

I will possibly message more on some of the sights and sounds and life here from the end of 2018, and as we begin 2019, talk about my entire insights from 2018 and my goals for 2019 as well. Plus, I’ll have some great book reviews and interviews too, but for now…

…I just want to wish everyone a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope for ALL there is success, health, happiness, joy, love, inspiration, and friendship. I hope there are more quiet times, more writing time, more discovery of art and nature, more one on one with people you know or meet.


Cheers to the beginning of a much better year. I am anxiously awaiting 2019 to be better than this year I am soooooooo happy to put behind me! If you’re still in my life, or want to be, and are coming along for the ride, I welcome you with open arms.


I have a 1,000 word Christmas story, a haunting Christmas story in fact, in the vein of the old Victorian fireplace ghost stories, to share with you too if you haven’t yet seen elsewhere for yourself on the Ladies of Horror flash project site. I’ll share that below, and though the initial photo prompt was the impetus, I’ll share in another post soon some photos of the place (Kingwood Gardens and Mansion in Ohio) that inspired even more of the story. I hope you like it!

Read my story here: “The Insistent Reporter”

Best New Wishes for a Happy New Year!



Filed under Feature Articles, My Writing

5 responses to “Happy New Year 2019! (Also, free haunting holiday story to read.) #HappyNewYear

  1. Happy 2019, Erin, to you and all your loved ones! You and your family are always such an inspiration; you provide hope and joy to your readers!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. MJ

    I’m so sorry you lost someone dear to you!
    Here’s to a new year! 🥂
    May it be the best so far.
    And maybe next year the🎄will be there for you to see in person.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, MJ. I really appreciate that – I’ve been trying to process the loss of my aunt so I haven’t posted publicly about it anywhere else. It was still a nice holiday with that happening though too. I hope 2019 is amazing for you too!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • MJ

        You’re welcome! ((Hugs)). Even with the loss of your aunt, it does sound like you guys had a good holiday season.
        Thank you! I’m going to shoot for the best year ever for 2019! 💫💫💫💫💫


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