Wicked Book Puzzle Challenge: Book Titles from Photos

I’ve not done an overall reading challenge update yet for the Wonderfully Wicked Read-a-Thon I’m involved in this weekend, but we’ve all been reading on and off, minus a trip to the pumpkin patch here in Ohio (I’ll do an overall blog later). I’m going to blog about this challenge going on today (Saturday, and it ends at 8 p.m. EST). It’s from book blogger and challenge host Michelle at Book Briefs. Thanks, Michelle!!

Ok, so how does this work? First, you pick a book. Then you find pictures to represent the words in the book title. Then you put the pictures together and others try to guess what the book title is.  If you guess mine, leave it in the comments and feel free to leave a link to yours also.  Michelle says to get creative and make it as challenging as you want. Make a post with your book picture puzzles and go around to different blogs and try to guess some of the puzzles. For more information or to guess Michelle’s post and get more points, go to: http://bookbriefs.blogspot.com/2011/10/wwreadathon-guess-title-picture-puzzle.html.

So, Emma (my 8 year old) and I are doing this one. One adult book I let her choose and one children’s book.

#1: Guess this Book:




#2: Guess book number 2:













Good luck guessing, I’ll let you know later what they are in case you weren’t able to decode! (Note: It’s in the comments)


Filed under Other blogs

7 responses to “Wicked Book Puzzle Challenge: Book Titles from Photos

  1. Hi friends, sorry these were so difficult!! I let my 8 year old, who was so excited about helping with the challenge, pick books from our shelves and put photos together with me. So, here are the answers:
    #1: Pandora’s Daughter by Iris Johansen
    The first photo is a bracelet by the Pandora jewelry line and the second photo is in fact a photo of aforementioned daughter of mine!
    #2: Madeline and the Cats of Rome
    I thought maybe someone might guess this one with the Madeline photo. It’s her favorite doll and stories to read. For all you cat lovers with kids, this is really cute.

    So what do you think now? 🙂 At any rate, it was fun doing it WITH her. Thanks for the challenges today, they are fun.



  2. Ahhhh hahhaha. Now it makes sense! I guess I’m not too familiar with the titles though either, so that might have something to do with it besides my bad guessing. 😉 Great job and I’m glad you got to do it with her! You can tell her she was so good no one figured it out now. 😉 Lol


  3. I knew the first one had something to do with daughter and the 2nd with “and the cats of rome” lol but I would never have guessed!


  4. I only got the Madeline and the cats but I figured it was the Colosseum and not Rome haha although I should’ve guessed Rome, don’t know why I didn’t think of that! I didnt get the top one at all, the Pandora jewelry threw me off for some reason i kept thinkng “ring’ even though I knew it was a bracelet LOL You can definitely tell your daughter she stumped all of us, great job!
    I’m so thrilled that there are people doing these challenges and activities as a family, makes it so much more fun!
    April @ My Shelf Confessions


    • haha! xo We had to find a picture of Rome and she chose that one because it is on the book cover of that Madeline book. I try to include my kids in things I do when I can because it makes them feel important and expands their thinking. It’s been great and thanks again for the Read-a-Thon. I’m so glad I’ve met so many other book lovers!!


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